Simple Precautions to Reduce the Risk of Slip and Trip Accidents at Home

Slip and trip accidents happen for a number of reasons, such as wet floors, inadequate lighting, and wires and cords in plain sight, to mention but a few. The occasional slip and trip in the home (or in the garden) is harmless, but some incidents can be much more severe, requiring a trip to the emergency room. Preventing these accidents is often simple and cost-effective, so do your best to minimise the hazards. Here’s how to make your home accident-free. Personal safety should always be a priority, so if you’re in doubt, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. 

Clean Up Spillages Right Away 

Slippery surfaces are a significant contributor factor to slip and trip accidents. Spilt liquids, rainwater, and greasy substances make walking surfaces perilous, meaning that a prompt clean-up is of the essence. Clean up spillages right away to manage and mitigate the immediate threat and avoid endangering your loved ones. If you wait, the spill will soak and contaminate the surface; if an oil spill encounters a heat source (sparks or flames), it can ignite a fire. Use a cloth or a paper towel to spot-clean the area. Mop the floor with warm water, and that’s it. 

Double-Check The Steps Are Safe

Falls on the steps are common and often lead to serious injuries. This is precisely why the stairway requires special attention – make sure the steps are of equal height and width. Having uneven steps can result in a trip hazard. Equally important is to install a handrail, the benefits of which include providing stability, which is essential for those with mobility issues. Adequate illumination can reveal potential risks, providing clear visibility on each step. Dim lighting, irritating shadows, and blinding lamps can trigger missteps and even falls. What is important to keep in mind is that the lighting of the room in question isn’t sufficient to avoid unpleasant accidents.

Surprising as it may seem, if a friend or a contractor slips and trips on your property, they can pursue legal action against you to seek monetary compensation for the damage they’ve incurred. That’s because you were negligent. Slip and trip accidents can be seriously debilitating and include bruises, sprains and strains, fractures, head injuries, etc. If you slipped and tripped in a store, you could sue the owners. It’s the exact same thing. A guide on how to sue for compensation will take you through the key steps if you’re curious to know more. Most cases don’t end up going to court, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your best to keep your property safe. 

Practise Good Housekeeping  

Safety and housekeeping go hand in hand, so maintain a clean home to reduce or eliminate slip and trip hazards. Keep drawers and closet doors closed, remove tripping hazards in doorways, and keep frequently used items within reach. Don’t leave clothes, books, or shoes on the floors or stairs; the areas where you walk should be tidy. Many accidents occur at home, where you spend most of your time wandering around without thinking about safety. The carpets must be firmly attached to the floor so they don’t slip; avoid placing heavy furniture until they settle. 

By creating a safe haven, you can reduce the risk of slips and trips. Remove unnecessary items to have a clutter-free environment that reduces the risk of accidents. Dust and allergens tend to accumulate in cluttered spaces. In case you didn’t already know, dusty surfaces represent a slip-and-trip hazard, as they prevent the shoes from gripping the floor. Pay close attention to kids’ toys and other objects that can become slip and trip hazards. Falls can result in severe injuries, so decrease the risk of accidents for you, your loved ones, and your guests.   

Wear Appropriate Footwear 

The wrong type of shoes can cause a slip-and-trip accident. A snug fit and comfortable padding will minimise potential discomforts that may arise while roaming the house. Wearing slippers isn’t such a good idea due to their loose-fitting nature – they’re prone to slipping or getting caught in objects, so you can lose your balance. The best footwear can make your routine feel more spa-like and helps prevent accidents so you can avoid brutal injuries. You have many options available; you may have to make a different choice if you’re looking for a pair of work shoes. 

Have Contrasting Colours to Create a Sense of Balance 

The colour of the furniture and furnishings can impact your safety when trying to move around. More exactly, if you have a visual disturbance caused by Parkinson’s disease, you have difficulty with complex visual tasks, so you’re more at risk of falls. The same goes for anyone in your family with a visual impairment. It’s best to have contrasting colours to create a sense of balance and make the home feel brighter. As a way of exemplification, if you have a light carpet, select a dark bed and seat cover. Think about using contrasting colours for stair treads, floor coverings, and electrical wires. 

Concluding Thoughts 

All in all, the home abounds in safety hazards, with slips and trips the most common causes of injury. Nothing is scarier than an unexpected fall. Knowing how to protect yourself from accidents should be your main concern, so maintain clean and dry floors and declutter your space. The dangers around the home can be easily eliminated with a little bit of common sense. Even a simple incident can affect the rest of your life, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. As you age, the risk of slip and trip accidents only increases. Falls aren’t an inevitable part of ageing, but simple measures like the ones discussed earlier can help create a safe environment. 

Take a good look around the home to spot any risks. It’s important to just have a look-see. There are many situations that can cause accidents, such as wet spots, grease, loose flooring, clutter, open desk drawers, and so on. Regular investigations should be conducted to identify hazards in the nick of time.