Why VPNs Are Important for Small Businesses

Cybersecurity is crucial for any modern business. According to a survey conducted early this year, half of businesses identified a cyberattack on their network in the last 12 months.

Organisations with advanced cybersecurity measures are more likely to identify a cyberattack. Small businesses with reduced cybersecurity capabilities could, therefore, be more vulnerable. So, they must make the most of all the tools at their disposal.

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are one example. They encrypt data transmissions by providing a secure tunnel between devices and the business network. This makes it virtually impossible for unauthorised parties to intercept sensitive data. As a result, a robust VPN service can help shield small businesses against a variety of cyberattacks.

Below, we explore three ways this is important for small businesses.

Protecting Confidential Information

Small businesses often handle proprietary and sensitive information. This includes customer data, financial records, and intellectual property. Non-compliance with data protection regulations can result in serious consequences. For example, UK GDPR breaches can result in fines of up to £17.5 million. For a smaller business, this could mean the end of their operations.

VPNs provide an additional layer of protection for this confidential data. By creating a secure, encrypted connection, they ensure that the sensitive information that you send or receive over the internet remains protected from cybercriminals.

Safeguarding Business Communications

Small businesses are vulnerable to cyber threats across a variety of communication channels. These include emails, file transfers, and video conferences. But a VPN can provide them with a secure platform for exchanging information. They prevent unauthorised access to sensitive business correspondence by encrypting communication channels. This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of communications.

Facilitating Remote Work

The flexibility of remote work has become more prevalent in recent years. This has necessitated secure methods for accessing company resources from diverse locations. VPNs enable seamless remote access to corporate networks without compromising security. This allows team members to work productively from anywhere in the world.

Keeping Small Businesses Secure

VPNs protect the most valuable asset of any business: its data. With the benefits above understood, the next step is to research and choose a reputable VPN provider. Consider factors like server locations, pricing plans, and ease of use.

But bear in mind that VPNs are one part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Implement further measures like firewalls, data backup solutions, and employee training. Together with a VPN, these extra steps can keep small businesses safer from cybercrime.