The Best Beauty Tips for Summer

As the warmer months approach, it’s essential to adjust your beauty routines to cope with the increased sun exposure and humidity. It’s a time of holidays, social gatherings, and outdoor activities, it’s important to maintain your skin and hair’s health and appearance.

Self-care in this season can boost your confidence as well as protect you from potential sun damage. Embracing these beauty tips will help you look and feel your best all summer long.

Sun Protection

One of the most critical aspects of any beauty routine is sun protection, even in the depths of winter. The British Skin Foundation has reported a significant increase in skin cancer cases, with many people not using sunscreen.

Wearing sunscreen daily is a non-negotiable at this time of year and aids in preventing premature ageing and skin cancer. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen and remember to reapply every two hours, particularly after swimming or sweating.

Additionally, you can shield your skin from harmful UV rays by wearing protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses.

Hair Care

Summer can be tough on your hair, as added exposure to heat, chlorine and saltwater can cause damage and dryness.

Using hair vitamins for women can significantly improve hair strength and growth, making it resilient against summer stressors. Vitamins containing biotin, iron and zinc are what you should be looking out for.

Add a deep conditioning treatment to your holiday packing list to keep your hair hydrated and smooth and try to wash it less to retain its natural oils. If you struggle with frizz, apply anti-frizz serums, and consider protective hairstyles that minimise damage. Avoid excessive heat styling and make sure to use a UV-protectant spray too.


Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and overall well-being during the summer. It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, which increases if you’re active or spending time in the sun.

However, hydration isn’t just about drinking water! Combat the drying effects of the sun and air conditioning by incorporating hydrating skincare products into your beauty regime.

Enjoy water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers and watermelons, to further enhance hydration levels. Or try facial mists as a refreshing way to hydrate your skin throughout the day.

Lightweight Makeup

The hot weather can make heavier makeup feel uncomfortable and look cakey. Switching to lightweight formulas is an easy way to achieve a fresh and natural look.

Tinted moisturisers and BB creams are a great alternative to full-coverage foundations as they provide a more breathable, sheer coverage whilst still evening skin tone.

Use waterproof and long-lasting makeup products to withstand the heat and humidity. Focus on enhancing your natural features for a minimal makeup look with a touch of bronzer for a sun-kissed glow and pop of colour with a tinted lip balm.

Body Care

Don’t forget about caring for your body during this time. A healthy and radiant complexion can be achieved with regular exfoliation to remove dead skin cells. Follow this with a lightweight moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated without feeling greasy.

Get your feet sandal-ready with thick foot cream and exfoliation at night to maintain softness. If you’re feeling extra-indulgent, treat yourself to a weekly at-home pedicure.

By incorporating these beauty tips into your summer routine, you can enjoy the season while looking and feeling your best. Embrace the warm weather with confidence, knowing you have the best beauty practices to keep you radiant and healthy.