The Ultimate Guide To Your Summer Clear Out

Summer is the perfect time for a refresh, not just for ourselves but for our living spaces as well. As we find ourselves no longer needing the items left over from the past season(s), a clear-out can significantly enhance the quality of our environment and allow us to get the most out of our space. This guide will walk you through the entire Summer clear out process, ensuring that by the end you feel rejuvenated by the newfound space and order in your home.

Step 1 – Planning Your Clear Out

Anything successful starts with a solid plan, so we will kick things off by talking about how to put together the perfect Summer clear out plan. Let’s get started.

Set Clear Goals

The first step in any successful clear-out planning project is to establish what you want to achieve. Are you aiming for a minimalist aesthetic, preparing to downsize, or simply looking to reclaim space lost under piles of unused junk and/or items?

Having clear goals will streamline your efforts and help you stay focused on what items need to go. This will also guide you on just how much you may or may not need to clear out.


As with most things, timing is everything.

Choose an extended period, like a long weekend, when you can dedicate yourself fully to the task at hand.

Once you’ve confirmed when your clear out will take place, break down the process into manageable parts, assigning specific days to specific areas, such as the garage on Saturday and the attic on Sunday.

A structured approach to your house clearance will help keep you on track and motivated, preventing burnout and the risk that you give up on the project altogether.

Inventory Assessment

How are you going to get a clean space if you don’t actually know what you want to keep in it once your clearance is complete? You won’t be able to! So, begin by sorting through your belongings and decide what should stay and what should go.

Create distinct categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard.

These will make it easier to decide what to keep vs what you could get rid of, and help keep you moving quickly as you start working through each area of your home.

Step 2 – Decluttering Strategies

Now that you have a good plan in place, you will be keen to get started. Keep the below decluttering strategies in mind as you go about your clearance project.

Room-by-Room Approach

This may sound simple, but make sure that you approach your clear-out one room at a time to maintain order and track progress effectively!

Completing one area before moving on to the next provides a sense of accomplishment and keeps the process from feeling overwhelming.

You can also make sure that you’re completely happy with the room that you’re in before worrying about the next one.

The Four-Box Method

This trick is a game changer.

Grab four boxes or bins to sort items quickly and efficiently. You will have:

  • One for items that you are keeping
  • One for items that you are donating
  • One for items that you are selling
  • One for trash/general rubbish

Sound familiar?

These will match the categories that you mentally assorted things into whilst planning the clearance.

This method forces immediate decision-making, which speeds up the decluttering process and reduces the temptation to hold onto unnecessary items. It also helps to ensure that items in good condition can go to a suitable new home.

Psychological Tips

Decluttering can be emotionally challenging, especially when it involves letting go of items with sentimental value.

If you find it difficult to throw out things that you no longer need, try focusing on the benefits of making space and the functionality of your home without these items.

Sometimes, taking a picture of sentimental items can help ease the process of parting with them. Just remember to clean out your camera roll the next time you want to do a clear out to remind yourself that actually you didn’t miss that 20 year old chest of drawers as much as you thought you would!

Step 3 – Effective Cleaning Post-Declutter

Believe it or not, when it comes to large clearance projects, the decluttering stage is actually the fun (quick and easy) bit. Once everything has been cleared, you will need to do a deep clean.

Make sure that you’re prepared with the right cleaning supplies to ensure a thorough clean after the clutter is gone.

Remember, cleaning essentials include eco-friendly cleaning agents, microfiber cloths, a powerful vacuum cleaner, and plenty of bin bags for the final cleanup.

Just imagine how fresh and tidy everything will be once you’ve finished cleaning the place.

Top Cleaning Tips

Deep clean each area as it is cleared, rather than tiring yourself out decluttering and tempting yourself to forget about the cleaning. This not only ensures that you won’t have to redo any work later but also helps in maintaining the cleanliness of the space.

Also, pay attention to neglected spots, like under furniture, behind doors, and windowsills. Many people miss these places so they can built up an extra level of dirt and grime.

Step 4 – Hire a Rubbish Removal Company

With all of the information above you may be asking yourself “do I even need to hire the professionals?”?

Well, a rubbish removal company can be invaluable in disposing of large, bulky items or hazardous materials that can’t be easily handled. They will be way more efficient, capable of handling heavy lifting, and knowledgeable on the proper disposal of various items than you would be, which can save you considerable time and effort.

What to Look For in a Rubbish Removal Service

Choose a reputable service provider/company known throughout your area for reliability and good customer service. Check their website to confirm that they have clear pricing and an environmentally friendly waste disposal policy. It is also beneficial to read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family.

How to Prepare for Their Arrival

Before your waste collection company arrives, collect all your unwanted items to be removed in one easily accessible area. Label what needs to be taken away clearly, and ensure there is a clear path to these items to facilitate quick removal. Not only will this help the people removing the waste, it may also result in you receiving a cheaper quote.

Step 5 – Donation, Repurposing & Recycling Options

Really you should salvage as much of your unwanted items as possible, since others may well benefit from them. We have added a few things to consider below when it comes to the donating, repurposing and recycling of your clutter.

Creative Repurposing Ideas

Before throwing anything away, consider if it could be repurposed or reused.

For example, old t-shirts can be turned into cleaning rags, and furniture pieces can be painted or modified to fit new decor schemes.

Just keep in mind what can and can’t be reused as you are categorising your unwanted rubbish.

Local Recycling Resources

Before starting your clear out, research any local recycling options. 

Many councils and communities offer great facilities to recycle old electronics, textiles, and hazardous waste that need special handling.

Taking advantage of these resources will ensure that your unwanted items are put to good use and/or disposed of responsibly.

Step 6 – Maintaining a Clutter-Free Home

Great, your home is clear and you’re ready to have friends and family around. Not so fast though, keep the below things in mind to ensure you don’t need to clear out quite so much come next Summer.

Daily Habits

Try adopting new habits from the get-go to prevent clutter from accumulating again.

For example, deal with post and letters daily, by decluttering at least one drawer each week.

Also, try to do a mini-declutter session monthly.

These habits help maintain the cleanliness and order you’ve worked ever so hard to achieve.

Seasonal Re-evaluations

You are already here since you want to have a clear and tidy house going into the Summer season. So, every other season, take time to reassess your space.

This regular maintenance prevents clutter from building up and helps keep everything in its rightful place.

Wrapping Up

A thorough summer clear-out can dramatically change your living space, and your state of mind. By removing excess junk, you not only create a more pleasant and inviting home but also improve your overall well-being. It is a great thing to do, despite the hard work that it entails! Keep in mind that the reward will be well worth your time and effort.