A Complete Guide to Managing Wounds at Home

Wounds are part of life. You may have to face sores, scrapes, and blisters every now and then. Not all of them require professional care. Taking care at home is sometimes sufficient for that. 

You must get a proper idea first before trying to take care of a wound. Keep the wound clean and dressed, and avoid scratching. Try to drink more water, avoid alcohol, and eat a balanced diet. 

With some good practices, you can quicken the healing process. However, not all sorts of wounds are ideal for home treatment. Only do it for minor ones. 

At-Home Wound Care Guide

It’s not very difficult when you know what to do to take care of the wounds. Follow these simple steps:

1. Keep the Wound Clean

Clean the wound regularly with mild soap and water to remove dirt and bacteria. This prevents infection, which delays healing and causes complications. Pat the area dry with a fresh and clean towel afterward. 

You must avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. They can damage healthy tissue and slow the recovery. Do it often so that the wound is not exposed to dirt for long. 

2. Protect the Wound

It’s safe to keep the wound covered to prevent infections and further injury. Use wound care supplies like sterile bandages or dressings to keep the area safe. You should change the bandage daily or whenever it becomes dirty. 

When you keep the wound covered, it remains moisturized. This creates an ideal environment for new tissue growth. Quickening tissue growth results in quickened healing. 

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

You need more nutrients when recovering from a wound. Nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals help repair damaged tissues. They also reduce infection risk. Without a balanced diet, wounds may heal slowly. 

Besides, your immune system is influenced by the food you consume. Try to eat fresh and healthy foods to strengthen the immunity system. It’s crucial to prevent infections. 

The ideal diet varies depending on the type of wound you are going through. Nonetheless, the common foods you can have are:

  • Lean meats like chicken or turkey
  • Leafy greens
  • Citrus fruits 
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains, such as brown rice and oats. 

4. Drink A Lot of Water

Water plays a crucial role in healing by transporting nutrients to the wound site. It also flushes out toxins. Proper hydration keeps skin healthy and supports tissue repair. 

If you don’t drink enough water, the wounded area often gets dry. It affects the healing process, and the wound can become cracked. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day for optimal recovery. 

5. Avoid Smoking

It’s a big no-no to smoke when going through wound healing stages. Smoking impairs blood flow and reduces the oxygen and nutrient supply. The lack of protein and oxygen affects tissue or cell growth. In other words, the healing process gets longer. 

Are you a chain smoker? It might be a difficult habit to get rid of; you have to try. If you just went through surgery, then quit smoking for at least a few weeks. It might be difficult, but this is crucial for recovery. 

6. Don’t Scratch the Wound

It’s a common habit to scratch the wound. You need to prevent yourself from doing so. There may be a ping to scratch or pick on the wounded spot. You need to resist the urge. 

Scratching increases the risk of bacterial infection. In case it becomes too difficult to resist the urge, covering the wounded spot is an effective step. This also reduces the need for scratching. 

7. Follow Healthcare Provider’s Instructions

Finally, you should do as the doctor instructed. Sometimes, patients don’t want to follow the instructions, as it may seem difficult. But it may affect the wound. Follow the diet strictly suggested by the doctor. 

You also need to follow the caring steps they mention. Regular dressing, covering, or using any topical medicines, do as you were told. If you have been given pills or other oral medicines, consume them regularly. 


Any type of minor wound needs home care. If you want to rely solely on the professionals, this may only prolong the healing process. Maintain a healthy diet and avoid alcohol, smoking, or scratching. The healing will be boosted if you can maintain the above-mentioned tips.