Ultimate Way To Watch Sports At Home

For pure immersion, not much comes close to sport. It doesn’t matter what sport it is; if you support a team or a person, you will be passionate. When you can’t go to watch the sport live for whatever reason, watching it can be just as good of an experience.

Like a post we did on how to design a man cave, we think several things go into making the perfect space to watch your sports. Surprisingly, the sport you watch matters to making the ideal space so let’s dive into some sports and how to get the best experience with each.

The World’s Biggest Sport

When it comes to the biggest sports in the world, football takes the crown. Being able to go to football games allows you to experience the atmosphere, but sometimes, I prefer watching the games from home. You do not need a man cave to watch sports like football, which makes it easier to have the best at-home experience when watching. 

All you need is a screen, with decent enough speakers so you can hear the crowd, a comfy chair to sit on and some beverages and maybe snacks if you are feeling fancy. A typical football day for us is, some cups of tea or coffee, some crisps, looking at Premier League betting odds and hopefully celebrating our team winning.

Why A Good Screen Is Important 

Some factors outweigh others and a good screen is arguably the most important. Not only is a screen good for normal things like TV and films that you might be interested in watching, but it is also essential for sports. 

If you have a bad screen with poor quality and then you upgrade to a great quality TV, the improvements will be very noticeable. Some things go hand in hand with good TV and the speakers are the main one.

The Speakers

We mentioned this before but the importance of a good speaker system is massive and enhances the experiences of whatever sport it is you are watching. Some sports are made for good speaker systems and some of the biggest sports in the UK are prime examples. When you watch a sport like Tennis, where the grunts and the sound of the ball hitting the racket are loud and make you feel like you are there, it just adds another layer.

Who You Watch The Sports With

Certain sports are just made to watch with people and somewhere you can watch it alone and the experience won’t change. As much as football is great when you watch it alone, watching it with other people is a lot more fun. Some of the best football at home experiences for us have been at home watching rival games with rival fans and when they lose it is incredible. 

Our Favourite at Home Sports

We have a whole section on football and we have mentioned watching it at home a lot but when it comes to the best sports to watch from home, you would rather watch it in a pub or a stadium. However, there are certain sports where your experience is enhanced by watching them at home. 

Formula One

We are firm believers that Formula One is one of the worst sports to watch live, no matter where you are sitting, you will miss most of the action. The best way to combat this is by watching it at home, where the camera follows the cars and you see everything that happens perfectly. 


Another sport that is great at home is tennis but this is different because it is also great live. However, that doesn’t take away from the tennis at-home experience. It is one of the best and allows you to see replays of the best shots and you can be loud and talk which you can’t do when you see it live!