Types of Sustainable Improvements Covered by Grants

Do you want to make your community greener and more efficient? Whether you’re an individual, non-profit or business there are grants available to support all sorts of green improvements. These grants can fund everything from renewable energy installations to water saving initiatives.

You’ll find many of these grants are designed to reduce your carbon footprint and save you money in the long run. Grants support energy efficient building upgrades, sustainable farming practices and innovative environmental technologies. Investing in sustainability benefits the planet and your organisation too.

So what kind of projects are eligible for these grants? Clean energy solutions, waste reduction programs and green transport options are often funded. By applying for these grants you can make real changes that benefit the environment.

Sustainable Energy Grants

Sustainable energy grants provide funding for projects that use renewable energy sources, to help offset the costs of installation and development. These grants fund solar panels, wind power and geothermal systems.

Solar Power

Solar power grants help offset the cost of installing solar panels on homes and businesses. These grants often cover part of the cost of purchase and installation so you can get into solar sooner.

Eligible expenses may include equipment, installation labour and even permits required by local authorities. Some grants also fund energy storage systems which improve the efficiency and reliability of solar power.

Wind Power

Wind power grants fund the development and installation of wind turbines, for large scale wind farms and smaller community based projects.

Funding can cover turbines, installation, grid connection and maintenance. Grants may also be available for feasibility studies which assess the viability of potential wind energy sites, so you can make informed investments.

Small scale wind projects often get extra support to encourage local, distributed energy generation.

Geothermal Systems

Grants for geothermal systems help you tap into the Earth’s natural heat for residential, commercial or community energy needs. This can include geothermal heat pumps which regulate indoor temperatures.

These grants cover equipment costs, installation and sometimes even part of the exploratory drilling to find suitable geothermal resources. By making geothermal systems more affordable these grants reduce our reliance on traditional heating and cooling.

Conservation and Efficiency

Conservation and efficiency improvements are about managing resources responsibly and using energy wisely. They’re key to sustainable development and benefit both the environment and your bottom line.

Water Conservation Systems

Water conservation systems like rainwater harvesting, greywater systems and efficient irrigation save a lot of water. Rainwater harvesting involves collecting and storing rain for various uses, reducing our reliance on municipal water supplies.

Greywater systems reuse water from sinks and showers for irrigation. They reduce water waste by recycling it for landscape use. Efficient irrigation systems like drip irrigation deliver water directly to plant roots, minimising evaporation and runoff. These methods are practical and work in both residential and agricultural settings.

Sustainable Farming Practices

Sustainable farming practices are important for soil health, carbon reduction and long term productivity. Crop rotation, cover cropping and integrated pest management are key practices.

Crop rotation is about changing the types of crops grown in a particular area to avoid depleting the soil. Cover cropping is about planting specific crops to protect and enrich the soil, to improve soil health and reduce erosion. Integrated pest management uses biological controls and minimal chemical inputs to maintain a healthy ecosystem. These practices lead to more robust and productive agricultural systems.

Building Upgrades

Building upgrades can save a lot of energy and make you more comfortable. Upgrading windows, insulation and energy efficient heating and cooling systems are key.

High efficiency windows reduce heat loss in winter and keep interiors cooler in summer. Energy efficient HVAC systems provide better temperature control and use less energy.

Upgrading insulation like spray foam can save a lot of energy, reduce heating and cooling costs. And there are spray foam insulation grants to help with the cost.

These upgrades are part of sustainable living.

Community and Urban Development

Investing in community and urban development is key to creating sustainable cities. Key initiatives are green spaces, sustainable transport and affordable green housing.

Green Space

Green space projects are about increasing the amount of parks, gardens and recreational areas in urban areas. These projects improve local air quality, support biodiversity and give residents areas to exercise and relax. You get more community gardens, urban forests and green roofs.


  • Cleaner air
  • Better mental health and wellbeing
  • More biodiversity


  • Community gardens
  • Urban parks expansion
  • Rooftop gardens

Sustainable Transport

Sustainable transport is about reducing the environmental impact of commuting and travelling within cities. Bike lanes, public transport expansion and electric vehicle (EV) promotion are some of the strategies you may see. These changes reduce greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion.


  • Bike lanes and pedestrian paths
  • Electric buses and trains
  • EV charging stations


  • Lower emissions
  • Less traffic congestion
  • Cleaner air

Affordable Green Housing

Affordable green housing is about building environmentally friendly homes that are affordable. This addresses housing shortage and sustainability goals. You may see housing projects with energy efficient appliances, solar panels and sustainable materials.


  • Energy efficient appliances
  • Solar panels and renewable energy
  • Sustainable building materials

Good for:

  • Lower energy bills for residents
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Healthier living environments

Types of Conservation and Efficiency Grants

Conservation and efficiency grants provide funding for projects that use resources more wisely and reduce energy consumption. These grants help the environment and save long term costs for individuals, businesses and communities. Here are some of the areas where these grants are applied:

Water Conservation

Water conservation grants support the installation of systems that use water more efficiently and reduce waste. These grants can cover:

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Grants can help with the installation of systems that collect and store rainwater for non-potable uses like irrigation, reducing demand on municipal water supply.
  • Greywater Systems: These systems recycle water from sinks, showers and laundry for irrigation or toilet flushing, reducing water waste.
  • Efficient Irrigation: Funding can help with the adoption of efficient irrigation methods like drip irrigation which delivers water directly to plant roots, minimising evaporation and runoff.

By investing in water conservation systems, communities and businesses can make big savings of this precious resource.

Building Upgrades

Building efficiency grants support projects that reduce energy consumption in residential, commercial and public buildings. These upgrades can include:

  • High-Efficiency Windows: Windows that reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, reducing heating and cooling costs.
  • Insulation Upgrades: Insulation in walls, roofs and floors to improve building thermal efficiency.
  • Energy Efficient HVAC Systems: Replacing old heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems with new and more efficient ones that use less energy and better temperature control.

These will reduce energy bills and improve comfort and lower carbon footprint.

How to Apply for Conservation and Efficiency Grants

When applying for these grants you need to have a clear and detailed proposal outlining the project goals, benefits and budget. Many grant programs require applicants to show the environmental and economic benefits of their project. Engage with local authorities and use available resources like workshops and guidance documents to increase your chances of success.

Conservation and efficiency supports a sustainable future and has practical benefits of cost savings and better quality of life. By using grants, individuals, businesses and communities can make big steps towards their sustainability goals.


Going for sustainability through grants can have big benefits for individuals, businesses and communities. From renewable energy to water conservation and sustainable agriculture, these grants have the funding to make change.

So many benefits: reducing carbon footprint, conserving precious resources, increasing operational efficiency and better quality of life.

Get started today. Look at the grants, understand the criteria and make your sustainability projects happen. Together we can create a sustainable, efficient and prosperous world for the future.