How to transform your garden into a sustainable oasis

With the whole country starting to think about a greener future and sustainability, you may be wondering what you can do at home. Your garden is a relatively easy place to start your eco journey.

There are several different and easy things you can do to turn your outdoor space into a sustainable oasis. It doesn’t matter what size your garden is, there are things you can do to the smallest of spaces. Here are some tips to help you go greener.

Make your own compost

Composting is a great introduction to sustainable gardening. Composting uses all the waste you generate in the kitchen such as peelings, tea bags and eggshells and converts it into a rich fertiliser. You can even include garden waste such as hedge trimmings or weeds.

Composting means that the waste is broken down with the help of oxygen, rather than in landfills without air. This means that less methane is released into the atmosphere.

Solar-powered illumination

Solar garden lights have become a popular choice for illuminating your garden. By adding these lights, you can redesign your outdoor areas to be functional in the evenings as well as during the day.

Solar lights are charged by the sun which is a form of renewable energy. Not only this, but solar lights are a cost-effective and long-term solution for darker gardens.

Give nature a home

British gardens are teeming with creatures. Animal fans can often be treated to aerial bird displays as well as the intricate workings of the bugs and creepy crawlies. Creating a haven for creatures in your garden can be done in lots of ways.

Bird boxes or bug hotels are a subtle but helpful way to encourage wildlife. If you want to go the extra mile, make sure the wood has been sourced responsibly – you can always build one yourself! Having a bird bath will be helpful in the hot summer months, allowing birds to cool down and other animals to have a drink.

Plant wildlife-friendly plants

Plants and flowers are the lifeblood of so many of the animals you can see in your garden. If you have a flowerbed, why not brighten it up and help the wildlife?

Planting wildlife-friendly flower plants is a wonderful way to support local wildlife while enhancing the beauty of your garden. Flowers like lavender, coneflowers, and sunflowers attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds, creating a vibrant and lively ecosystem. These plants not only provide essential nectar and shelter for wildlife but also add stunning color and texture to your garden.

Bees are an essential part of the ecosystem, and they rely on nectar. Bees love flowers that are open and that you can see the centre of. These include plants such as lavender, foxgloves and honeysuckle. These flowers look beautiful as well as helping the bees, so everyone is a winner.

Collect rainwater

Brits experience a lot of rain throughout the year, so setting up a water butt to collect it is simple. The water you collect can be used in the garden to water plants or clean garden furniture. This will help to reduce the amount you use a hose or sprinkler, saving water.