6 Ways to Reuse Extra Glass Jars

Bruce Bratley, founder and CEO of leading recycling and business waste management provider First Mile, has over 20 years of experience in the waste management industry. With a PhD in environmental marxism, Bruce always keeps up to date with the latest developments in sustainability, and regularly gets involved in initiatives such as plastic free July, as well as speaking at industry conferences and even running the weekly Instagram live during lockdown – ‘Can I recycle this?’

  1. Sustainable gardening

Even if you’re not the most green-fingered, using glass jars to house your botanical pursuits can add a touch of whimsy and functionality to your home or garden. Whether they be miniature hanging terrariums, DIY birdfeeders or plant pots for seedlings that will soon grow into homemade cress or herbs.

  1. Eco (and budget) friendly gift ideas

The second the word ‘gift’ is associated with a jar, its price point more than doubles! But these types of gifts are so easy to make and are lovely ways of being more sustainable with your gifting at the same time as saving a few dollars. Simply clean out an old jar and fill with your loved one’s favourite sweets, or line its inner surface with printed photographs of the two of you which can serve as a beautiful memory box!

  1. Make your own candle

If you’re a candle lover but also want to be more mindful about your impact on the environment, you might want to consider making your own. By making your own candles with soy wax, you’re opting for a double dose of eco-friendliness. Soybeans are a renewable resource and replace petroleum-based paraffin wax, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, soy wax biodegrades, minimizing waste compared to traditional candles. What’s more – when people compliment their scents, you can brag that you made them yourself!

  1. Up your cocktail game

If you’re partial to a mojito, rum punch or a nice refreshing Pimm’s on a summer’s day, Mason jars are the perfect way to elevate your cocktail game. Beyond their vintage charm, they’re crafted from thick glass, perfect for muddling ingredients without cracking. Their wide mouths allow for easy shaking and mess-free straining, while the tight-sealing lids ensure your creations stay fresh. These versatile jars can also be used to drink from, allowing you to finally ditch the disposable cups!

  1. Chef it up!

If you’re a kimchi fan, a lover of pickles or partial to a bit of rustic sourdough, mason jars may be the answer to all your fermentation dreams. Their airtight lids create the perfect anaerobic environment for culturing your favorite probiotic-rich foods. The clear glass allows you to monitor the fermentation process, ensuring your creations reach peak flavor and tang. Plus, their durability makes them ideal for long-term storage, keeping your fermented goodies fresh and delicious for weeks or even months.

  1. Make your own vase

Glass jars may be known for their pickling prowess, but with a little creativity, they can become stunning and unique vases. Simply clean out an old jar, paint with either spray paint or acrylic, and let you imagination run wild. Whether you’d rather opt for simplistic, elegant neutral tones with some dried lavender for the bedroom, or a large bold display to inject a pop of colour into your living room with a bright bouquet of sunflowers. Either way, glass jars can be the perfect solution.