4 ways to reduce stress when moving home with pets

Moving house will always be a stressful process, there’s no doubt about it. However, while we humans can understand the context of that stress and come up with ways to mitigate it, it’s much more difficult for pets. 

You can’t explain why their whole world is being turned upside down and packed into a van, they just have to accept it as best they can. That being said, there are some things that you can do to make life easier for both you and them – here are our top 4 ideas on minimising stress when moving home with pets.

  1. Use petsitters

The biggest thing you can do to reduce stress when moving with pets is to use a pet sitter. You’ll likely be quite stressed on the day of the move, and your pets will undoubtedly pick up on that stress. Try to use a pet sitter that they’re familiar with already, or if possible, leave them with a friend or family member. That way, you can have them out of the way while things are at their most hectic, making life easier for both you and your furry friends.

  1. Hire a removals service

If you don’t want to use a pet sitter, or if you just want to try to make the moving process more manageable, then it can be a great idea to use a professional removals service such as Kiwi Movers

These kinds of services will be able to provide you with pretty much whatever kind of logistical support you need, from helping you pack up your belongings to moving them from A to B in a big van or lorry. Not only will it save your back and knee joints, but it can also feel great to have a team of professionals on your side backing you up.

  1. Try to stay organised

As mentioned above, your pets will almost always pick up on your stress. As a result, it’s in both your and their best interests to keep stress to a minimum – the best way you can do that in most cases is to stay as organised as possible.

Plan out the whole move a long time in advance, making a clear timeline of when things need to be done. By adopting a well-structured approach, you can help to limit last-minute rushes, reducing stress for everyone involved in the move.

  1. Make time for your pets

Lastly, try to intentionally set aside lots of time throughout the process to spend with your pets. Sit with them in a calm manner, play with them, and give them even more treats than you normally would. Help to show them that they still matter to you, and that you’re there for them during this trying time. This will ultimately be the only kind of communication they understand, and it’s important that you make space for it. 

Adopting these simple but important tips can help to make the moving process a lot more manageable for both you and your pets. No two pets or people will experience stress in the same way, and it’s important that you adopt an approach that caters to the individual requirements of everyone involved.